Month 1 of Creative Catharsis

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Month 1 of Creative Catharsis


Online Watercolor Classes for watercolor enthusiasts.

The first month of Creative Catharsis! You’ll receive a bundle of watercolor-y goodness, including 4 of my previously recorded classes, creative prompts, suggestions for new ways to approach these projects (if you already too them from me!) These lessons are achievable, educational yet low-key. I’ve designed them for you to get started, learn and enjoy the process while escaping the mentality perfectionism. This is catharsis and self-care through creativity, fun learning while bettering your skills!

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“I can't recommend this class enough. I've loved learning a new creative pursuit under Beth's guidance. I'm impressed by the end result of the projects, but even more so, I've found the regular practice of making time for art and playing with art to be invigorating!”

—Kristie, NC

This bundle of classes is ideal for you if:

  • You enjoy a good deal! At $40/month, each class is essentially $10/class.

  • You are committed to consistent self-care! Carve out a weekly time for creative release, connect with others with a fun, engaging learning environment.

  • You want to grow in your creativity and painting skills. Repetition and practice over time is a the best way to get better at something! There’s no way around it - you have to do it to get better at it!

  • You enjoy community and connecting with others! When you come to the live zoom events regularly, you will naturally get to know each other. It’s always a delight when friends and family from all over the country get to connect through this community. Learn grow and paint whenever it’s convenient for you!

  • You want to flexibility to replay the lessons anytime! Learn, grow and paint in your own time.

Logistical Details:

  • Your first month will be charged immediately once you purchase a membership.

  • The previous membership is under construction so you will need to purchase a second month if you want to continue taking online classes.

  • Due to the digital nature of the class and the recorded materials, refunds will not be given on online video products. Please reach out with any special circumstances or questions, and I will be happy to discuss you!